viernes, 26 de abril de 2024


Students from 6th course went from 8th to 10th April to CEI "El Jarama" in Talamanca del Jarama, Madrid. They all had a great time doing different activities. Some of them want to tell you their experiences:


Last 8, 9 and 10 of April, all the groups of 6th level we were at Talamanca del Jarama for three days. On Monday, we left Ciudad-Real at 7:30. We went by bus. It was very funny! 

When we were in Talamanca, the instructors separate us for the groups of sleeping in the rooms and for the groups of the activities. Next, we saw the rooms and the building. After that we saw a lot of animals. They had two dogs, goats, horsees, birds, cows... The first day we ate macaroni and chicken with potatoes, after that we had free time. Then we did activities like: doing crafts and seeing animals. Next we had snack and then free time. Then we had two or three activities and then we had a shower. For dinner we had mash and omelette. After dinner we had a little of free time and a night game. Then we slept.

The second day, we had the breakfast and then 1 hour of free time, then we had activities. The activities were: seeing animals and plants, singing, playing with a slide and other interesting things. After that we ate. We ate lentils and meatballs. Then we had free time and then activities like do walking and other experiments. Then we had a shower. After that we had dinner. The dinner was soup and fish. Next we went to the nightclub. We sang and danced all the time. Then it was time to sleep. 

The third day we had the breakfast and then 1 hour of free time. After the free time we sang and danced the songs that the instructors had prepared. Then we made some fragancies and saw more animals. Then we had lunch. For lunch we had paella and turkey with potatoes. Next we had free time and then we came back to Ciudad -Real. I think this excursion was so good and funny. It was a good form to speak English. I liked it so much!

By Candela

sábado, 13 de abril de 2024


 Aunque el día del autismo fue el pasado martes 2 de abril, al coincidir con el día de vuelta de vacaciones, en nuestro centro dicho día se celebró el pasado viernes 5 de abril. El equipo del aula TEA y el departamento de orientación del centro prepararon una serie de actividades para llegar a conocer mejor a las personas con autismo y ayudarnos a integrarlas mejor en nuestra sociedad. Hubo actividades en las aulas (geniallys), una carrera organizada por nuestros profesores de Educación Física y un photo call. Nuestros niños pasaron un maravilloso día y aprendieron mucho.

Genially Ed. Infantil

Genially Ed. Primaria (1º, 2º y 3º)

Genially Ed. Primaria (4º, 5º y 6º)


 Durante la última semana de marzo y primera de abril después de las vacaciones, el cuerpo de la policía nacional ha llevado a cabo con nuestros alumnos dos talleres sobre temas importantes en nuestro día a día como pueden ser la educación vial y el correcto uso de las nuevas tecnologías. 

Agradecemos mucho su colaboración para ayudarnos a ser mejores ciudadanos.

lunes, 8 de abril de 2024



Next Friday, April 12th, at 12:00 p.m. we will have our contest at break time, to decide our three winners. All the teachers involved in the project want to thank you for participating in such amazing creations.

Well done everyone!!! You are our most crazy Alice's students.

Below you can click on the link to see all the creations.


viernes, 22 de marzo de 2024


 El 22 de marzo de 1895, Auguste y Louis Lumière proyectaron la que suele considerarse como primera película de la historia, 'La Sortie de l'Usine Lumière à Lyon' (La salida de la fábrica) de 38 segundos. Este es el enlace de la película original: peli original

Los alumnos y alumnas de 3º y 4º hemos hecho nuestra propia versión de la peli

Versión de 3º y 4º

miércoles, 20 de marzo de 2024




These last days have been amazing for the fifth and sixth level students. During this term they have been working on a project about films and the final act has been to record scenes of the films they have been working on. Scooby-Doo has been the film chosen by the 5h level whereas the 6th level students have worked on three different movies such as Harry Potter, Toy Story and Spiderman.

Here you've got some links to enjoy the scenes they have recorded. We hope you enjoy them and have fun!

Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone

Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets

Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban

Harry Potter and the goblet of fire

Toy Story 

Toy Story 2

Toy Story 3

Toy story 4

Spiderman 3

The amazing Spiderman

Spiderman No Way Home

Spiderman Across the spiderverse

Scooby Doo 5º A

Scooby Doo 5º A

Scooby Doo 5º A

Scooby Doo 5º A

Scooby Doo 5º A

Scooby Doo 5º B

Scooby Doo 5º B

Scooby Doo 5º B

Scooby Doo 5º B

Third grade students want to share their silent films with the whole educational community, too. We hope you like them as much as we do.

The lost wallet 3ºB

The bank robbery 3ºB

The investigators 3ºB

The fainting woman 3ºB


viernes, 15 de marzo de 2024


  Durante el día de hoy, Isabel Ortega, enfermera del 112 y madre de Fernando (6º A), ha estado dando una charla sobre primeros auxilios a los alumnos de 6º curso. Ha sido muy interesante y hemos aprendido como actuar ante posibles casos en los que tengamos que auxiliar y socorrer a familiares, amigos, conocidos o personas que nos encontremos por la calle que precisen de nuestra ayuda.

Agradecemos este tipo de iniciativas que siempre son bienvenidas por parte de las familias del centro.


Students from 6th course went from 8th to 10th April to CEI "El Jarama" in Talamanca del Jarama, Madrid. They all had a great time...