viernes, 26 de abril de 2024


Students from 6th course went from 8th to 10th April to CEI "El Jarama" in Talamanca del Jarama, Madrid. They all had a great time doing different activities. Some of them want to tell you their experiences:


Last 8, 9 and 10 of April, all the groups of 6th level we were at Talamanca del Jarama for three days. On Monday, we left Ciudad-Real at 7:30. We went by bus. It was very funny! 

When we were in Talamanca, the instructors separate us for the groups of sleeping in the rooms and for the groups of the activities. Next, we saw the rooms and the building. After that we saw a lot of animals. They had two dogs, goats, horsees, birds, cows... The first day we ate macaroni and chicken with potatoes, after that we had free time. Then we did activities like: doing crafts and seeing animals. Next we had snack and then free time. Then we had two or three activities and then we had a shower. For dinner we had mash and omelette. After dinner we had a little of free time and a night game. Then we slept.

The second day, we had the breakfast and then 1 hour of free time, then we had activities. The activities were: seeing animals and plants, singing, playing with a slide and other interesting things. After that we ate. We ate lentils and meatballs. Then we had free time and then activities like do walking and other experiments. Then we had a shower. After that we had dinner. The dinner was soup and fish. Next we went to the nightclub. We sang and danced all the time. Then it was time to sleep. 

The third day we had the breakfast and then 1 hour of free time. After the free time we sang and danced the songs that the instructors had prepared. Then we made some fragancies and saw more animals. Then we had lunch. For lunch we had paella and turkey with potatoes. Next we had free time and then we came back to Ciudad -Real. I think this excursion was so good and funny. It was a good form to speak English. I liked it so much!

By Candela

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 ¡TRABAJO ESPECTACULAR DE LOS ALUMNOS DEL 3º CICLO! Otro año más, nuestro colegio, se ha sumado a la 8ªedición del proyecto NOSOTROS PROPONE...