miércoles, 20 de marzo de 2024




These last days have been amazing for the fifth and sixth level students. During this term they have been working on a project about films and the final act has been to record scenes of the films they have been working on. Scooby-Doo has been the film chosen by the 5h level whereas the 6th level students have worked on three different movies such as Harry Potter, Toy Story and Spiderman.

Here you've got some links to enjoy the scenes they have recorded. We hope you enjoy them and have fun!

Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone

Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets

Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban

Harry Potter and the goblet of fire

Toy Story 

Toy Story 2

Toy Story 3

Toy story 4

Spiderman 3

The amazing Spiderman

Spiderman No Way Home

Spiderman Across the spiderverse

Scooby Doo 5º A

Scooby Doo 5º A

Scooby Doo 5º A

Scooby Doo 5º A

Scooby Doo 5º A

Scooby Doo 5º B

Scooby Doo 5º B

Scooby Doo 5º B

Scooby Doo 5º B

Third grade students want to share their silent films with the whole educational community, too. We hope you like them as much as we do.

The lost wallet 3ºB

The bank robbery 3ºB

The investigators 3ºB

The fainting woman 3ºB


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 ¡TRABAJO ESPECTACULAR DE LOS ALUMNOS DEL 3º CICLO! Otro año más, nuestro colegio, se ha sumado a la 8ªedición del proyecto NOSOTROS PROPONE...