lunes, 6 de noviembre de 2023



Last 31st of October, we celebrated Halloween in the school JMF. All the school celebrated it, doing a lot of activities. The activities took place in the classrooms and in the playground. In the school playground, children from 1st to 3rd played fun Halloween games. In infant education, they tasted a scary and delicious Halloween potion. In the classrooms from 3rd to 6th, Felipe and Chema talked different horror storys. We were all scared. After the stories we did a gymkana. It was very funny. Finaly all the school danced a song called the skeleton dance.

All the activities were very funny and interesting!

by Candela Blanco Manrique (6th A)

viernes, 3 de noviembre de 2023



"Volcano on fire in the classroom"

With some spoonfuls of vinegard and bicarbonate of soda, Amelia has created an erupting volcano inside the classroom. After mixing these substances carbon dioxide is formed, forcing the content of the bottle to come out of it, making the same effect as real volcanoes.

Video of the experiment

"Sand that doesn't get wet"

After sprinkling with some waterproof spray a small quantity of sand and waiting for a couple of hours, Candela has achieved that this sand doesn't soak in water!


Video of the experiment

"Rain of colours"

In this experiment, Iria has made a wonderful colourful rain in a jar of water. Mixing water, oil and colourant has demonstrated how different densities can produce this incredible effect. First, you have to mix water and oil. As it is known, the oil has more density and stays on top of a jar and when you add the colourant to the mix, these start to fall down little by little.


"Pepper and soap"

Paula has shown us how important is a good hygiene when cleaning too. Mixing pepper and cinamon with water on a plate, she has shown us the chemical properties of washing-up liquid and how dirt run away from it they are in contact.

 Video 1                         Video 2

"Water that doesn't fall"

With a glass recipient with water, a tight and an elastic band, Eugenia has tried to make water fall through the tight but it didn't fall (at the beginning, later it has been falling little by little). Thanks to the surface tension of water itself, the surface of water ends up acting as an elastic membrane blocking the content of the recipient from pouring.


   Video 1   Video 2    Video 3                                                                   


"Floating Candle"

Alberto has shown in class the force of the atmospheric preassure with a glass, a plate, water and a candle. Once the candle is lighted, it is consuming all the oxygen, so the preassure inside the glass starts to be lower and the water level rises.

"How to introduce a egg in a bottle"

When the air inside the bottle is heated, the molecules, or tiny air particles, inside the bottle spread out, increasing air pressure. As the air in the bottle cools, the air pressure decreases. The greater outside air pressure pushes the egg into the bottle. Blowing into the bottle raises the air pressure again.

This is the experiment that Jimena and Lucia M showed in class, that time didn't work properly but they explained and all had a great time.

"The egg that bounces"

Laura E.  introduced an egg in vinegar for few days. When she took out the egg we could see how it bounced like a ball until it broke on the floor.

"A Rainbow"

Samuel and Germán show us how to make a rainbow coloring a kitchen paper and putting it in two glasses of water.

"The Volcano"

Our students Mª Isabel and Lucia P. show us this chemical reaction simulating the eruption of a volcano.

  1. Combine the vinegar, water, dish soap and 2 drops of food coloring into the empty soda bottle.
  2. Use a spoon to mix the baking soda slurry until it is all a liquid.
  3. Eruption time! … Pour the baking soda slurry into the soda bottle quickly and step back!


"Jumping egg"

Rocío has shown us how you can become an egg in a bouncy item after sinking it in vinegard for two days. The acid properties of the vinegard and the calcium carbonate of the shell creates a chemical reaction that disolves this shell. Thi does not mean that the egg can't be broken              

"Solid viscous cornflour"

Laura has created a viscous compact substance simply by mixing four spoonfuls of cornflour with a few mililitres of water. This mixture doesn't moisten the cornflour, it has got the opposite effect: when you pressure it, it becomes more viscous. In those areas where you apply pressure, the flour particles become compact, catching water particles among them, and this mixture becomes temporarily in a solid material.     

                          Video 1       Video 2      Video 3      Video 4     Video 5      Video 6

"Rainbow of colours, egg in a bottle and red inversed rain"

Sergio has shown us three short and curious experiments. First, he has created a rainbow separating the coloring of some sweets just with a little water. After that, he has introduced a baked egg in a bottle with some fire at the bottom. This happened because the need of oxygen has made the pressure of the bootle to pull the egg to the bottom. And finally, with some liquid colourant, water and some fizzy pills has created a rain of red colour because of the effervescence of the gas.


"Pepper and soap and inflated balloon"

Iván has demonstrated two easy and interesting experiments. First, removing dirt in a bowl with some washing-liquid soap in a finger and then, introducing bicarbonate in a bottle and some spoonfuls of vinegard in a balloon has achieved inflate the ballon placing it over the bottle. This mixture creates carbon dioxide that inflates the balloon.   






                                             THE NUTRITION IMPORTANT

In the 24 th of October Paloma Donado Palencia the Mother of Laura Luna gave us a workshop of nutrition that explain the important of eat healthy

This workshop where in the clas s of 6 A.

The nutrition help us the function of organs and systems, daily activities and grow Trought the aliments has obtein the nutrients and the energy

Complete every nutrients : Proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals to obtain energy and prevent diseases

Macronutrients Carbohydrates, fats and proteins.


Vitamins, minerals and water.

Diet macronutrients 15 20 % are proteins 30 35 % are fats 45 50% are carbohydrates



Energy aliments are aliments are carbohydratescarbohydrates: : Cereals, bread, pastaCereals, bread, pasta and potatoes.and potatoes.

Carbohydrates complex in hydrates complex in ccerealsereals:: StarchStarch

Carbohydrates complex in bread

Carbohydrates complex in bread:: FlourFlour

Carbohydrates complex in pasta:

Carbohydrates complex in pasta: FlourFlour

Carbohydrates complex in

Carbohydrates complex in potatoes: Potatoespotatoes: Potatoes


Sugars are a simple type of

Sugars are a simple type of carbohydratecarbohydrate:: Sucrose, lactose,Sucrose, lactose, fructose and fructose and glucose.glucose.

Types of sugarsTypes of sugars:: CakesCakes, sweet, candies and sugary drinks, sweet, candies and sugary drinks..


Increase quickly the sugarthe sugar Increase gradually the sugar in the bloodIncrease gradually the sugar in the blood in the bloodin the blood

Coookies, kies, pastries and pastries and cereals cereals breakfast .breakfast .

Our nutritionalnutritional worthworth depend depend in its way in its way of elaboration of elaboration and the products and the products that that are are added added to the base to the base flour.flour.


Meats, eggs, eggs, fish, fish, pulses and nuts pulses and nuts are foods that contain are foods that contain proteinsproteins..

Spain is the first European country first European country and the and the fifth fifth mundial country that much mundial country that much consume consume meat. meat.

Vegetables and fruit are regulatefruit are regulate aliments. aliments.

This Aliments are formed the plate of Aliments are formed the plate of Harvad.Harvad.

Important of read the etiquetsread the etiquets::


Type of fat

Type of sugar. Simple sugar

This workshop

This workshop are very important for eat healthy are very important for eat healthy

that explain the amount of amount of foodfood prepare prepare in in your your plate that eat more healthy.

by Nicolás García Solana (6th B).

Other interesting articles about the workshop:

JMF receives another guest by Amelia Tonelo Delgado (6th A)
A healthy diet by María Sánchez de la Nieta (6th C)

Nuestro cole participa con la Facultad de educación.

 ¡TRABAJO ESPECTACULAR DE LOS ALUMNOS DEL 3º CICLO! Otro año más, nuestro colegio, se ha sumado a la 8ªedición del proyecto NOSOTROS PROPONE...