jueves, 19 de octubre de 2023



Last Monday, October 9, Vanesa (Jimena’s mother) came to   our   school   to   talked   about   safety food.

All students of  of Primary were in our class (6º A) participated Jimena, Lucía M, Lucía P, Alex, Paula and Samuel.

All students of  of Primary in the workshop

Vanesa projected a Power Point about Food Bacterias and Foodborne Infection.

   Vanesa talked about what bacteria need to grow:

1.              Nutrients

2.              A good temperature (between 5ºC-65ºC)

3.              Humidity (Vegetables, meat and fish need to be preserved in fridge and cereals, flours, rice,cookies,...can     be     preserved     at   ambient temperature)

Vanesa explained us three types of infections: Salmonelosis, Botulims and Staphylococcus Aureus and how we can prevent them.

For example, to prevent salmonelosis, we need to place well the fridge: raw food at the bottom, cooked food at the top and protect the food.

Vanesa also talked about labelings parts: company brand, the name of the food, list of ingredients, allergens, shelf life, store conditions, nutritional information, date of expiry,...

After that, Vanesa gave us ... real bacteria!!! There were in a specific plastic box.

And finally, some kids dressed up as scientists and Jimena took bacteria of their hands, put bacteria in a specific box and now we are expecting that bacteria grow.

Jimena caught bacteria from hands

The workshop was very interesting and funny.

I learned a lot about how to use and keep aliments. It was very funny when Jimena caught bacteria and we are waiting to see bacteria.

I want to repeat!

 Iria López González 6ºA

Links to other articles about this workshop:

Food Safety Workshop in our school - Carmen Murillo 6th C

Vanessa's workshop in JMF - Jimena Serradilla 6th B

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 ¡TRABAJO ESPECTACULAR DE LOS ALUMNOS DEL 3º CICLO! Otro año más, nuestro colegio, se ha sumado a la 8ªedición del proyecto NOSOTROS PROPONE...