viernes, 16 de junio de 2023


 Hoy, día 16 de junio. los alumnos de quinto curso han pasado el día en la Finca de Alarcos haciendo varias actividades de multiaventura. Aunque ha hecho mucho calor, hemos pasado un gran día. Aquí hay fotos de todas las actividades chulas que hemos hecho.

Today, June 16th, the 5th level students have spent the day in 'Alarcos' field' taking part in several adventure fun activities. Although the weather has been too hot, we've had a great day. Here are some photos of the cool activities we've done.

viernes, 9 de junio de 2023


 As said in previous days, the 5th level students have carried out the project of the 'Time machine'. Some journalists have travelled in time and have interviewed different historical characters in Spanish history such as a Roman, a Visigoth, a Muslim, the Catholic Monarchs, Christopher Columbus, Charles I, Philip II, Philip V, etc....They have worked very hard and have done an excellent job. Congratulations!!

These are some of the interviews.



Nuestro cole participa con la Facultad de educación.

 ¡TRABAJO ESPECTACULAR DE LOS ALUMNOS DEL 3º CICLO! Otro año más, nuestro colegio, se ha sumado a la 8ªedición del proyecto NOSOTROS PROPONE...