lunes, 21 de octubre de 2024



El pasado martes 15 de octubre vinieron a hacer un taller de consumo responsable en las dos clases de tercero. Nos explicaron que algunos anuncios de juguetes que vemos en la televisión son engañosos y que no nos fiemos ya que luego los mismos no son iguales en la vida real.
También nos enseñaron a hacer el juego de las tres en raya con material reciclabe. Se hace con cuatro palos de madera de polo de hielo, con chapas de bebidas, con papel de aluminio y con circulos de papel del tamaño de la chapa. El proceso es el siguiente: 

1. Pegamos primero los palos con cola de pegar.
2. Cubrimos las chapas con papel de aluminio.
3. Recortamos de un folio seis circulos del tamaño de la chapa.
4. Coloreamos o decoramos tres de esos circulos iguales y otros tres de otra forma y ya tenemos para hacer dos equipos. Ya estamos listos para comenzar el juego.

¡Este taller nos ha encantado! Fue muy interesante y divertido y lo pasamos genial.




Autor@s del artículo: Claudia García, Lucía Moreno e Irene Soto.

jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2024

¡Fin de la temporada de atletismo!

 Un poquito tarde, os dejamos algunas pinceladas de los resultados de la temporada pasada (curso 2023-24) para seguir motivando a nuestros atletas a continuar en los equipos y captar a otr@s. 

Ya se lo complicado que es compaginar los estudios, tareas y actividades extraescolares, pero SOMOS ATLETISMO JMF nuestro cole lo vale y trabajamos en tres líneas de actuación: taller 1 iniciarse, entrenar y competir, taller 2 y 3 participar en carreras. Sobre todo captar a nuevos atletas para completar los equipos. ¡Os esperamos el martes 1 de octubre!

  El 25 de febrero empezó la nueva temporada de pista al aire libre, 1ª jornada en Campo de Críptana, con bastante frío, como las fechas que son.  Bien tempranito nos toca madrugar, para ir recogiendo atletas de otros pueblos.

 Nuestras atletas:

Lucia en 1 km marcha

Lanzamiento de peso Javier y Marcos

La FINAL provincial individual  se celebró en Puertollano el 27 de abril.

Por primera vez en la historia del colegio tenemos completo el equipo masculino PROMOCIÓN (Jaime, Nimay,  Lázaro, Marcos, Samuel, Daniel, Javier, Dylan y Luis) para competir en la FINAL por equipos que se disputará el 23 de marzo en Puertollano. Obteniéndo muy buenos resultados 2º clasificados por centros educativos quedando por delante del CEIP Azorín y como siempre campeones el imbatible CEIP El Ferroviario.

Y algo inexplicable nuestro equipo femenino con tan solo cuatro componentes también se impusieron en un 2º puesto.

Finalmente nuestro equipo de TRACKLON quedó en un disputado 4ª posición.

lunes, 24 de junio de 2024



December was a great time in one of the corridors of the school. An elf visited us!!!! 
He wrote us some notes and children could answer him. Moreover,  sometimes he disorganized our classrooms, it was really funny!! We hope he will visit us again next year...



We can´t forget to mention how delicious were the churros and chocolate we ate and drink thanks to our parents and how fantastic was to sing and dance at the end of the term!!! This school is cool!!

sábado, 15 de junio de 2024

Bye Bye 6th


El pasado viernes 14 de junio tuvo lugar la graduación de  6º curso. Como siempre un acto muy emotivo donde no faltaron risas, abrazos, palabras de agradecimiento y alguna lagrimilla.

El acto comenzó con las cartas de despedidas de algunos alumnos de los tres cursos para seguir con la entrega de bandas y orlas. Después de la cena pudimos disfrutar del concurso Video Star donde muchos alumnos nos demostraron su talento. Por último l@s maestr@s quisieron despedirse con un vídeo que recoge algunos de los momentos más entrañables y divertidos de esta promoción desde Educación Infantil hasta 6º de Educación Primaria.

Desde aquí queremos agradecer a todas las familias que participaron en la organización del acto, así como a todos l@s maestr@s que también se implicaron en el mismo. ¡¡GRACIAS!!

En el siguiente link podéis ver el vídeo de despedida de la promoción 2018 - 2024

Vídeo despedida


 A visit to the High School 


Students from 6thB tell us about their visit to the IES "Torreón del Alcázar"


On the 3rd fof June the Primary school student's José María de la Fuente went to visit Torreon del Alcazar. The teachers of this high school told us about the rules they had there.

They showed us the clases, the gym, the yard... They also have a coffee shop in which we ate a mini pizza.

Some students told us about their opinions of the change of the new phse they passed. At first they were scared, but when they were there, they did a lot of friends.

It is bigger than my school. The yard is very big too, and it has a football court. 

I liked so much this institute and the presentation that they tell us. The most interested thing was the opinion of some students.


Last Monday all the students of sixth grade went to the high school TORREON DEL ALCAZAR to visit it with a guide tour. First, the “helpers” (they were volunteers to help students and to guide us in our visit) said that they were going to present some videos and texts about their experience in the high school. We liked to see those videos with handmade music.

Then, the teachers show us the high school. It has 4 buildings. They talked about the first one, because in 1st and 2nd grades we are going to stay in that building. They showed us the art class, the music class, and we saw the students studying for the “EBAU”. They told us that we could choose the Bilingual Program, to learn English better.

At twelve o’clock we had breakfast at the cafeteria, I bought a panini and some of my classmates bought Jumpers. Finally, we said goodbye to the teachers and walked back to school.

I liked so much this visit because it was a step forward in our lives and the sign of the beginning of a new stage

lunes, 10 de junio de 2024


                                                                     Road-Safety education

On the 4th of June, the 6th grade students went to the Gasset Park to do an activity of road-safety education carried out with the National Police Corps. There was a type of circuit. The Police lent the students bikes and karts. They had to make signs to go to the right, left or to stop. One of the important safety rules was: always go in the right lane. The Police explained the rules at the beginning. After that, 10 students started to ride some bikes in the circuit and when all of them rode a bike, they started to ride the karts. It was really fun.

Written by Carmen Murillo Sánchez (6º C)

sábado, 8 de junio de 2024


                                                     CULTURAL DAYS IN JMF

Last week, on Tuesday and Wednesday (28th and 29th May) we had cultural days in José María de la Fuente school.

Each grade worked with a diferent country because the topic we were learning is:


First and second grade worked about USA. 

Third and fourth grade worked about Italy. 

Fifth worked about Singapur and India. 


Sixth worked about Japan.  

We made different stands where people could go and learn about others countries, played differents country games, listened to audios about this countries,...

-First and second grade worked with USA and some of these kids wear cups with colorful pictures about USA. They looked amazing!!!

-Third and fourth grade worked with Italy and they made paper flags to took them to the others classes. They dressed up like Italians. It was so cool!!!

-Fifth grade worked with Singapour and India. They made Indian bread and later they tried it. I think it is delicious. I want to try it.

-Sixth grade worked with Japan and we made four different groups that where:

Origami, Trivial, Memory Game and Decoration.

This four groups helped to decorate the stand and prepared some activities for the other students and on Wednesday, sixth grade made paper dogs and later they took them to the others classes.

Around the World in 80 days stands

We also made some special activities in P.E.
We made a pickeball tournament and there were three categoriess: Male, Female and Mixt. The all had to competed to win a photo with the P.E. teacher and a diploma signed by the headteacher, Manoli and the P.E. teacher,Rai.

Personal opinion:
I think it was very fun, we learned a lot about different countries and I had a great time with my
friends and teachers. The pickeball tournament was for me so fun and I enjoyed a lot.

Iria López González
6th A 􀦸􀦹􀦺􀦻

You can also read this interesting article about cultural days written by Noa, another 6th level student.
Noa's articlenull 


  El pasado martes 15 de octubre vinieron a hacer un taller de consumo responsable en las dos clases de tercero. Nos explicaron que algunos ...